by Jorge Raziel January 13, 2019

The starting point of all achievement is setting a destination. What is it that you want to achieve? What is a success for

by Jorge Raziel December 26, 2018

The end of the year and the beginning of a new one always comes with a multitude of emotions, hopes, and other interesting

by Jorge Raziel September 28, 2018

Challenges come disguised in many forms, like setbacks, disappointments, failures, and roadblocks. What matters most when those uninvited challenges occur is how we

by Jorge Raziel September 28, 2018

According to to fail is to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, or desired.  If a failure is an event

by Jorge Raziel September 1, 2018

Our comfort zone is where we feel content about an area of our life. It is where things are good, they are not

by Jorge Raziel July 2, 2018

A while back I read The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, not because I wanted to become an agent but because I love learning

by Jorge Raziel July 2, 2018

We tend to bring into our lives what we consistently focus on and what we focus on expands. Wouldn’t it make sense then,