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    +1 (323) 834-9650

    Make Your Business Ambitions a Reality

    Jorge Raziel has an extensive network of experts that are ready to help you create results. Every client is unique and therefore we don’t have one-size fits all approach. We will carefully analyze your business and see what is missing and then make recommendations. Those recommendations will include everything from actionable steps that will make a significant difference immediately to gaps in your team structure and operations.


    Sometimes all you need is guidance and a quick consulting call or maybe you just need someone to join your advisory board so you have them in your corner for guidance. Having the right people you can reach out to is key to success.



    A well-executed strategy is the most powerful force in your business. Need a fresh pair of eyes?



    An experienced entrepreneur and consultant with a coaching and engineering background giving your business a strategic look at the operational effectiveness.



    The most successful business owners and entrepreneurs know that having someone in their corner, especially at the beginning of their venture, is the quickest way to success. We can help.



    Differentiate Through New Services

    The way you package your product and service offering makes a huge impact on how it is perceived in the marketplace. We work with you to re-brand your product, service or company to position it competitively.

    From branding experts to graphic designers to industry experts, we help you re-design your offer and even work with you to create new products and service offerings that will be better received.


    Boost Customer Experience

    Customer Experience is fundamental to recurring revenue and sustainable growth. No point in adding new customers if theirs a hole in the other end.  How do your customers experience your company? your product or service? The customer-focused approach is what differentiates great companies from the rest – look at Amazon for example!

    Most of the time, the improvements are minor but they will add a significant boost to your customers’ experience and perception of your business and offering(s) translating into an increase to the bottom line.

    Jorge Raziel Startup Strategist

    Enhance operational efficiency and increase productivity

    We look at the numbers. Our data-focused operational improvement approach will increase the value of your business and help it operate more efficiently.

    Processes and systems are what makes the difference between a struggling small business and a self-sustaining and thriving enterprise. It is time to take the leap into the big leagues.