by Jorge Raziel August 9, 2020

We’re living some interesting times, and I think you can agree a lot of things are happening for the first time that we’ve

by Jorge Raziel April 13, 2020

The P in C.L.A.P. stands for Pivot.  After you uncover the clarity, learn what you need to and start taking massive action, you

by Jorge Raziel April 13, 2020

Then, the A in C.L.A.P. stands for Action. To achieve big dreams, you will have to take massive action but there are three

by Jorge Raziel April 13, 2020

Now the L in C.L.A.P. stands for Learning and without this very important step, we wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. We have

by Jorge Raziel April 13, 2020

The C stands for Clarity, with clarity you get power.  Now, power is important but not for the reasons that you might be

by Jorge Raziel March 22, 2019

The Quarterly Mastermind is launching its first-ever practical mastermind strategy session for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals in the Los Angeles area. The

by Jorge Raziel January 27, 2019

I lost my grandpa this past week and I wasn’t going to write anything but then I thought, that is why I should

by Jorge Raziel January 13, 2019

The starting point of all achievement is setting a destination. What is it that you want to achieve? What is a success for

by Jorge Raziel January 3, 2019

How many times have you hurt someone you care about unintentionally because of something you said? If we interpret what we hear differently

by Jorge Raziel December 26, 2018

The end of the year and the beginning of a new one always comes with a multitude of emotions, hopes, and other interesting