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The C.L.A.P. Method: When Things Go Wrong, PIVOT (Part 4 of 4)

The P in C.L.A.P. stands for Pivot.  After you uncover the clarity, learn what you need to and start taking massive action, you will have to pivot often and that is because things won’t always work out perfectly. You will, without a doubt, encounter delays, setbacks, disappointments and failures. That’s right, the bigger the goal – the more of those you will experience.

The key though, is pivoting when things don’t go as planned. When that happens, here are three questions that you can ask yourself to move through the pivot phase.

1. What happened?

The first step is to be clear about what happened. This is not the time to make up stories, assumptions or draw conclusions – this is the time to gather the facts. What actually happened? Write it down if you have to.

2. What can I learn from it?

After you’ve gathered all of the facts you will want to extract the lessons. Sometimes, the lessons are obvious but sometimes you will have to take 100% responsibility for what happened and look within.  Remember that the challenges in our lives can be gifts. In order to become our best selves, and ultimately achieve our goals, we have to go through our own share of adversity to learn some lessons and grow stronger.  Sometimes, these things become our biggest stepping stones toward success.

3. What will I do now?

Your past experiences are now a part of you, but they do not have to dictate who you become.  Eventually, you just want to accept what happened and redefine how you tell yourself that story to empower you to move forward. What will you do next? What is the next best step? At this point you have to decide if you need to go back to obtain more clarity, you have to learn something new or if you just have to get back into massive action mode. Your focus has to be on moving forward despite what happened.
